Welcome Annette Wieviorka, William Rosenberg Senior Scholar 2025

By Stephen Naron - January 31, 2025

Please join us in welcoming Annette Wieviorka, as a Rosenberg Senior Scholar, thanks to funding from the Claims Conference.

Wieviorka is a historian, honorary research director at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), vice president of the Higher Council of Archives and of the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah. She chaired the association Témoignages pour mémoire, the French affiliate of the Fortunoff Video Archives. She was a member of the Study Mission on the Spoliation of the property of the Jews of France, known as the Mattéoli Mission. The author of numerous works, including Déportation et génocide. Entre la mémoire et l'oubli (1992, reprinted 2025); L'Ere du témoin (1998, translated into American by Jared Stark under the title The Era of the Witness); Auschwitz expliqué à ma fille (1999, translated into twenty languages including English under the title Auschwitz Explained to my Child). Her latest work Itinérances (2025) is a collection of articles and a reflection on nearly half a century of research.

As Senior Scholar, Wieviorka will produce an annotated critical edition of a testimony for our Critical Edition Series as part of our Claims Conference Grant Unlocking Survivor Testimony: A Program to Produce Critical Annotated Editions of Non-English Holocaust Testimonies.