
Classroom-ready materials and teaching resources created collaboratively with teachers and scholars. Our testimony-based curriculum emphasizes historical inquiry and empathetic listening. Learn More

Digital Humanities

A cooperative effort between Yale’s Digital Humanities Lab and the Fortunoff Archive, the goal of which is to develop innovative research tools for the collection. Explore


Those Who Were There: Voices from the Holocaust is the only podcast dedicated to sharing the history of the Holocaust through the archival testimonies of survivors and witnesses. Listen

Songs From Testimonies

An ongoing project to discover songs recounted in testimonies. The songs are then researched, arranged, and performed by our musician-in-residence Zisl Slepovitch. Learn More

Vlock Fellowship Film Series

Films based on testimonies from the Fortunoff Video Archive produced by our Laurel Fox Vlock Filmmakers-in-Residence. Learn More

Edited Programs

Edited programs produced by the Fortunoff Archive. Organized by themes and single witness programs, these short films are ideal for classroom use. Watch


Publications include a detailed history of the collection, digitized past newsletters, interviewer training guides and more. Read

Glimpses From Testimonies

An online exhibit of short excerpts from survivors and witnesses with transcripts. Watch