Sari J. Siegel begins as Hartman Fellow 2018-2019
Please join us in welcoming Sari J. Siegel as our new Geoffrey H. Hartman Fellow.
Sari received her MA and PhD in history from the University of Southern California. The Hartman Fellowship brings her back to Yale University, where she earned her BA in history in 2006. In addition to receiving numerous grants and fellowships, she has been a fellow-in-residence at the Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History, the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute, and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum's Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies. She has presented her research on Jewish prisoner-physicians at many conferences and workshops in the US and abroad.
In addition to her current research project, about which we will hear more in later updates, Sari will produce an annotated critical edition of a testimony from the collection.