Mira Verbin

Mira Verbin (née Swecki) was born in Vilna on October 25, 1919. During the occupation, she joined the United Partisan Organization, the Vilna ghetto resistance. She was the only one of her immediate family to survive the war. In 1946 Verbin arrived illegally in Haifa, in then-Palestine. Along with her friend Arie Liebke Distal, she soon joined a group of fellow Jews from Vilna in a kibbutz temporarily located in nearby Hadera, which eventually found a permanent home in central Israel and became known as Kibbutz Yakum. Verbin worked as a cook in the kibbutz’s kitchen as well as in early childhood education. In 1947 she married Moshe Verbin. They had two children, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Verbin died on April 20, 2016, in Kibbutz Yakum.


Mira Verbin (née Swecki) was born in Vilna on October 25, 1919. During the occupation, she joined the United Partisan Organization, the Vilna ghetto resistance. She was the only one of her immediate family to survive the war. In 1946 Verbin arrived illegally in Haifa, in then-Palestine. Along with her friend Arie Liebke Distal, she soon joined a group of fellow Jews from Vilna in a kibbutz temporarily located in nearby Hadera, which eventually found a permanent home in central Israel and became known as Kibbutz Yakum. Verbin worked as a cook in the kibbutz’s kitchen as well as in early childhood education. In 1947 she married Moshe Verbin. They had two children, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Verbin died on April 20, 2016, in Kibbutz Yakum.